Sunday, May 17, 2009

Majlis Perasmian Asrama Donnie

16 Mei, Kiulu - Satu majlis perasmian tapak pembinaan Asrama dONNIE, SMK Tun Fuad Stephens, Kiulu telah diadakan.  Majlis perasmian tersebut telah dilakukan oleh wakil dermawan daripada 'KILLER BATCH' MRSM Kulim, Kedah yang diketuai oleh Raja Ali bin Raja Osman dengan kerjasama Sabah Kredit.  Yang DiPertua PIBG En. Joisin Romut melahirkan rasa syukur dan terima kasih dengan sumbangan yang diberikan.  SMKTFS  sangat memerlukan penambahan asrama baru memandangkan asrama yang ada sekarang tidak mampu menampung jumlah pelajar yang merayu iaitu seramai 70 orang pelajar.  Ianya juga perlu bagi menempatkan pelajar-pelajar yang tinggal berjauhan dari sekolah yang terpaksa berjalan kaki seawal jam 4 pagi untuk pergi ke sekolah.


  1. Dear members of the SMKTFS Photoholics Club;
    Hello & apa khabar? I am one of the Killerbatch who visited your school last week. Maybe you noticed me with my Nikon camera happily snapping away. Actually, I am surprise that you guys have your own photography club and own blog! I went back and google and found your blog. Congratulation on the nice work.
    I too, love to take pictures. I believe that images that we capture contain precious values, emotions and messages.
    I would like to keep in touch with you guys so that I can always get fresh images of your school, asrama donni project and the beautiful Kiulu. That is, if your cikgus are ok with it. Thank you for the great hospitality last week and all the best to everyone.
    Uncle Megat ( or

  2. Hi,

    mee too. I was there during the ground breaking ceremony. Keep up yr good works and keep on update this blog on status of Asrama Donnie...I m happy to be with you

  3. Pembinaan Asrama Donnie berjalan dengan lancar.Kami Warga smk TUn Fuad Stephens Kiulu sangat berterima kasih dengan bantuan yang telah diberikan.Asrama baru tersebut akan meringankan beban pelajar yang terpaksa berjalan jauh setiap hari ke smktfs kiulu.(TERIMA KASIH -'KILLER BATCH' MRSM Kulim, Kedah yang diketuai oleh Raja Ali bin Raja Osman dengan kerjasama Sabah Kredit)

  4. When I see the photo of foundation and coloumns for Asrama Donni being built I feel so happy that its happening. We are now very close to collecting another RM50,000 for the construction of Asrama Donni. We are currently leading in the competition at Please go there and register and vote for Nur Hamidi. The winner will announced on 20th July. From: Raja Ali.
